Mosaic V2.3 (CMOS)
Software feature function
Intelligent 12-bit ISP color reproduction
Real-time depth of field fusion
Real-time image stitching
Static depth of field fusion
Static image stitching (When taking pictures, 20% to 30% overlap should be ensured between two adjacent images. Please select the "time stamp" or use the consecutive 3-digit serial number to name the image: 001,002...)
Real-time fluorescence image synthesis and editing
HDR image synthesis
Micro-imaging-based intelligent automatic exposure
Smart measurement workflow
Implements multiple iterations of workflow execution
Supports single shot, delayed camera
Automatic video and delay video generation
Output format selection
User parameter group save and load
Dynamic/static measurement
Layered measurement
Customize measuring gauges, layers, precision
Customize image naming, style, save location
Data export as TXT or Excel
Implements drawing: points, lines, rectangles, polygons, circles, arcs, angles
Report generation and printing