Setting up Hardware Triggering with Tucsen Cameras




For applications that require high speed, high precision communication between different hardware, or fine-tined control over the timing of camera operation, hardware triggering is essential. By sending electrical signals along dedicated trigger cables, different hardware components can communicate at very high speeds, without the need to wait for software to manage what’s happening.


Hardware triggering is frequently used to synchronizeillumination of a triggerable light source to the camera’s exposure, where in this case the trigger signal comes from the camera (Trigger Out). Another frequent application is to synchronize the camera acquisition with events in an experiment or a piece of equipment, controlling the precise moment the camera acquires an image through Trigger In signals.



What you need to know to set up triggering


This webpage outlines the key information you need to know to set up triggering in your system, following the steps below.


1. Select which camera you’re using below to see the instructions specific to that camera.


2. Review the Trigger In and Trigger Out modes and decide which best fit your application requirements.


3. Connect trigger cables from your equipment or setup to the camera according to the instructions for that camera. Follow the pin-out diagrams for each camera below to set whether you want to control camera acquisition timing from external devices (IN), control external device timing from the camera (OUT), or both.


4. In software, select the appropriate Trigger In mode and Trigger Out mode.


5. When ready to image, begin an acquisition in software, even if using Trigger In to control the timing. An acquisition must be set up and runningfor the camera to look for trigger signals.


6. You’re ready to go!



Your Camera is an sCMOS Camera (Dhyana 400BSI, 95, 400, [others]?


Download Introduction to triggering Tucsen sCMOS Cameras.pdf




●  Introduction to triggering Tucsen sCMOS Cameras (Download PDF)

●  Trigger cable / pin out diagrams

●  Trigger In Modes for controlling the camera

○  Standard mode, Synchronized mode & Global mode

○  Exposure, Edge, Delaysettings

●  Trigger Out Modes for taking signals from the camera

○  Port, Kind, Edge, Delay, Width settings

●  Pseudo-Global Shutters



Your Camera is a Dhyana 401D or an FL-20BW

Download Introduction to setting up triggering for the Dhyana 401D and FL-20BW.pdf



●  Introduction to setting up triggering for the Dhyana 401D and FL20-BW

○  Setting up Trigger Out

○  Setting up Trigger In

●  Trigger cable / pin out diagrams

●  Trigger In Modes for controlling the camera

○  Exposure, Edge, Delay settings

●  Trigger Out Modes for taking signals from the camera

○  Port, Kind, Edge, Delay, Width settings






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